Chico, California

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Chico Air Museum
Chico Municipal Airport
170 Convair Court
Chico, California 95973
(530) 345-6468
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Lockheed P2V-7 Neptune (side-view)

Chico Air Museum
Photo via Google Earth

We need high resolution photos of the aircraft on display at ths location. We also need an up-to-date listing of all of the aircraft ... make/model, serial or N-number, etc ... Your help would be appreciated.

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The Chico Air Museum became a reality in 2004. Located on the flightline of the Chico Municipal Airport (Northern California), the Museum consists of an outdoor aircraft display, as well as an indoor display of interesting and historic aviation artifacts. The Museum is open every Saturday from 10AM until 4PM, or by appointment.

The Chico Air Museum was formed to commemorate the historic role played by local pilots, servicemen and women, aircraft pioneers and aviation legends. It is the intent of the Museum Staff and Volunteers the "Celebrate Aviation History" and continue to document and preserve the many artifacts, aircraft, and stories of the men and women who contributed to the colorful history.

The Museum consists of Historic Aircraft in the outdoor display (see links at right for photos) and a growing indoor Museum featuring pictures from notable aviators such as Thaddeus Kearns, Jimmy Doolitle, John MacCready, Bud Allen, and artifacts from the 1945 "Chico B-29" crash site.

Partial List of Aircraft